We would like to invite your students to participate in an international student hackathon „Hack4Future“ on the 15.-16. April 2020 in Tallinn, hosted by Ülemiste City<https://www.mainorulemiste.ee/en>.
During the 2 days students from the Baltic Sea region will solve real-life business challenges presented by Ülemiste City companies and get valuable mentoring and collaboration experience.
Please find attached a short presentation about the Hack4Future program, including participation guidelines.
We kindly ask your students to register individually at: http://bit.ly/hack4future
After initial registration we will send out information during March for them to sign up for specific business challenge teams.
Please let us know if you have any questions at hack@futureforum.ee.
Our organising partner for the hackathon will be Mr Siim Saare who can set up a call with you to discuss any details.
Thank you and looking forward to welcoming you at Hack4Future!
Best regards,
Katrin Eha
Eesti Ettevõtluskõrgkool Mainor
Telefon 5155 059
Koduleht: www.eek.ee
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EEKMainor
Instagram: www.instagram.com/eekmainor
Rakenduskõrgharidusõpe. Magistriõpe. Avatud Kõrgkool. Rakendusuuringud.